DWP consultation: Disclosure of costs, charges and investments in DC schemes

Posted on: November 21st, 2017

DWP consultation: Disclosure of costs, charges and investments in DC schemes

DWP consultation: Disclosure of costs, charges and investments in DC schemes

DWPIn October the Department for Work and Pensions issued the above consultation.

Although focused on costs and charges this consultation is relevant to sustainable, responsible and ethical fund options as it also discusses making it easier for members to find out a bit more about where their schemes invest (both those using pooled funds and unit-linked funds).

The consultation deadline is  7 December. 

The author David Farrar recently kindly talked through this consultation at a Transparency Taskforce event – chaired by founder Andy Agathangelou.

In preparation for this event, where I was responding to David’s paper as part of a panel, I worked my way through the paper in some detail – and so have some thoughts.

I am yet to respond in writing – but am supportive of, for example, the proposal to require schemes to publish ISINs for unit-linked options.

I plan to highlight the growth in demand we are seeing for sustainable, responsible and ethical options – and how I would like to see the DWP being on the front foot with this …  in the interest of meeting members long term needs better in a number of ways.

If you would like to have a conversation about this (or if appropriate to collaborate on a response) please contact me on Julia@sriServices.co.uk.

Consultation landing page here.


