UK launches Green Finance Strategy & Green Finance Institute

Posted on: July 3rd, 2019

UK launches Green Finance Strategy & Green Finance Institute

The ever increasing flow of activity in our area has accelerating further this week with the launch of the Government’s Green Finance Strategy ‘Transforming finance for a Greener future’ and the launch of the BEIS and Corporation of London supported  ‘Green Finance Institute’. (2 July 2019).

Both are greatly welcome initiatives and we look forward to collaborating with them …. if , as and hopefully when they turn their attention to retail!

In the meantime however it was great to hear – at the Guildhall launch –  that the GFI will be collaborating with our friends UKSIF…  (that I am of course delighted to support – both as a longstanding member and as an UKSIF director).

Further information can be found here:

Green Finance Strategy 

Green Finance Institute

#GFSummit2019 #LDNClimateAction