SRI Services & Partners event videos 2023

Posted on: October 17th, 2023

SRI Services & Partners event videos 2023

We are delighted to be able to share the videos from our annual event, held in London on 5 October (2023).

The feedback has been superb & for those who would like to revisit the content or who were unable to attend on the day we hope you enjoy these recordings!

And once again a big thank you to our wide range of expert speakers – working together to help make change happen!

10.00 – 10:10:  Welcome address

10.10 – 10.30:  UKSIF CEO James Alexander, including Good Money Week 2023 research

10.30 – 10.45:  SRI Services & Fund EcoMarket update from Julia Dreblow, including a brief introduction to our updated fund database Fund EcoMarket 3.0

10.45 – 11.15:  MORNING KEYNOTE – Sara Woodroffe – FCA Manager, ESG Policy and Advisory

11:15 – 11:45:   Coffee break

11.50 – 12.30:   Fund Manager Panel 1 – Investment selection, divestment and engagement are our dial shifting tools, but which should we use, when and why?

        • Miranda Beacham – Head of ESG – Aegon Asset Management
        • Amy Browne – CCLA Investment Management
        • Megan Brennan – Fund Manager – Multi Asset & Global Equities – Sarasin & Partners
        • Adam Robbins – Investor Relations Manager – Triodos Investment Management

12.30 – 13.10:  Fund Manager Panel 2 – Measuring and managing ESG risks. What are the biggest risks we face and how helpful are ratings and data services?

        • Glenn Anderson – Associate Director of Sustainable Investing Strategy – Fidelity International
        • Suresh Mistry  – Head of Sustainability – Alquity Investment Management
        • Alex Game  – Fund Manager – Unicorn Asset Management
        • Clare Wood – Portfolio Specialist – Stewart Investors

13.10 – 14.15:   Lunch break &  ‘Almost open mic’ 

        • Suresh Mistry – Alquity Investment Management (Chair)
        • Louisiana Salge – EQ Investors
        • Rowan Stone – Virtuvest
        • Tom Buffham – RBC Brewin Dolphin
        • Seb Elwell – Switchfoot Wealth IFA

14.25 – 15.05:    Fund Manager Panel 3 – Shifting the circular economy dial – what are the challenges and opportunities?

        • My-Linh Ngo – Senior Director & Impact-Aligned Strategist – BlueBay Asset Management
        • Michael Rae – Climate Solutions Strategy Fund Manager – M&G Investments
        • Gabriel Micheli – Senior Investment Manager – Pictet Asset Management

15.05 -15.45:    Fund Manager Panel 4 – If sustainable funds are to help deliver the positive impacts and outcomes many clients desire, asset selection is crucial.

        • George Latham – Managing Partner & Chief Risk Officer – WHEB Asset Management
        • Harriet Parker – Investment Manager, Sustainable Investment Team – Liontrust Asset Management
        • Alice Evans – Responsible Investment Strategist – Columbia Threadneedle Investments
        • Kai Johns – Senior Ethical, Sustainable and Impact Researcher – Greenbank

15.45- 16.05:   Coffee break

16.05 – 16.35:   AFTERNOON KEYNOTE,  Joanne Etherton, Head of Purposeful Markets at ClientEarth

16.35 – 17.00:   Fund Manager’s share their stories Panel 5

        • Caroline Langley – Investment Director – Quilter Cheviot Investment Management
        • George Crowdy – Sustainable Fund Manager – Royal London Asset Management
        • David Harrison – Fund Manager, Rathbone Greenbank Global Sustainability Fund – Rathbones Group

17.00 – 17.15:   Expert presentation – Mike Clark, Ario Advisory – An actuary’s view of Climate Risk

17.15 – 17.30:   ‘Next Steps’ – Dialshifter request and close




And finally – a bonus highlights video!