Fiduciary Duty, pensions and climate change

Posted on: February 27th, 2024

Fiduciary Duty, pensions and climate change

Paper: Pension Fund Trustees and Fiduciary Duties – Decision-making in the context of Sustainability and the subject of Climate Change


I have the inimitable Steven Glover of SG Pensions to thank for bringing this important paper by legal experts FMLC (Financial Markets Law Committee) – on the topic of  ‘trustees’ fiduciary duty and climate change’ – to my attention.

Unlike FMLC and Steven, I do not profess to be an expert in fiduciary duty, and my days of being ‘a pensions person’ are long behind me, but having attended one of Steven’s masterclasses on the topic the parallels between the struggles trustees face in this area and those of financial advisers and other intermediaries are clear.  The point being that those responsible for directing, deciding and or advising on investments on behalf of those who are less close to the area must now recognise the relevance of climate change – in the best interest of those they are tasked with helping.

Link to paper here:
