Introducing Fund EcoMarket

Fund EcoMarket is a comprehensive database of retail sustainable, responsible, ethical and ESG investment fund information.

Fund EcoMarket is a ‘whole of SRI/ESG market’ sustainable investment fund tool.

We aim to list all* relevant onshore, regulated, retail, screened and themed sustainable, responsible, ESG and ethical funds – plus some carefully selected SICAVs and MPS/DFM options.

  • We aim to avoid judging which funds should or should not be included and instead use our ‘SRI Styles’ classifications to indicate what we believe to be core strategy variations.

*The site is updated regularly – we issue an annual questionnaire to all relevant fund managers.

The purpose of the database is to help users understand ‘what funds do’ from a sustainability, ESG and ethical perspective.  The tool helps users to recognise – and search for funds by – similarities and differences in fund and fund manager strategies.

We believe focusing on fund and fund manager responses to sustainability issues is an important part finding funds that area suitable and appropriate for clients – and integral to wealth management and financial advice processes. (The database is designed for financial services professionals but open to everyone.)

Fund EcoMarket key features:

1. A comprehensive ‘whole of SRI market’ list of  (UK) regulated, retail, onshore sustainable, ESG, responsible and ethical funds – complete with information about their sustainable, responsible and ethical strategies and processes (supplied directly by fund managers), links and more.

       2. Find options with similar core strategies by selecting the ‘SRI Styles’ filter option.

3.  Fact finding support. The ‘SRI StyleFinder’ fact find Questionnaire helps users identify their/ their client’s ‘best fit’ style(s) of sustainable, responsible or ethical investment fund.   The questionnaire will identify their three ‘best fit’ styles, which you can put into the ‘SRI Styles’ filter field to help narrow down your fund search, prior to using any additional filter options that may be required. (See the Support area for further help.)

4. Search funds by name, asset type or geographic region for portfolio planning.

5. Search for individual SRI characteristics and attributes using our additional ‘fund level’ and ‘fund management company level‘ filters. (These separate what a specific fund does from what an entire asset management company does across all (or almost all)  assets.

6. Fund and fund manager sustainability related filters.  The site has c300 individual filters which describe what fund managers do, where they aim to invest, what they avoid, their engagement activity and their wider aims.  Some of our filters are relatively high level (‘entry level’), others are very specific – as different people have different preferences.

7. Additional fund and fund manager information, text and links are available via the individual fund ‘More Info’ buttons.  This text in these areas is supplied by fund managers and we ask all managers to supply links to relevant areas their company websites. (This information is hosted within ‘primary fund’ entries but also relates to subfunds.)

8. Reporting functions.  Users can save or print information and search results for their record keeping and audit trail.  These can be produced in short form (fund names only), or long form (including ‘More Info’ text.)


Our research

We gather fund information by issuing an annual questionnaire to all fund managers in this area – whilst also updating information throughout the year as required.

We do not verify or comment on the information we receive (unless we find obvious errors) as the purpose of the site is to bring together information supplied directly by fund managers.  We do however instruct fund managers to only supply information that can be evidenced – preferably via the links they supply to their own websites.

Our SRI Styles, described above, do however provide an indication of the what we see as a fund’s core strategy and approach.

Please be aware, Fund EcoMarket is ‘for information only’.  The information we published relates to ‘SRI/ESG’ information only – so it is not a complete picture – and is not intended to be viewed as advice, recommendation or endorsement in any form. It is not to be relied upon when deciding where or how to invest.

We are not financial advisers and are not authorised to offer financial advice.  Everyone is welcome to use the information we provide however we are not set up to deal with individual investors.


See FAQ area for further information.


If you are interested in making an investment please contact your Financial Adviser – or you can access the ‘Find an Adviser‘ page.  Alternatively, you can contact the fund management companies shown on Fund EcoMarket, as some deal directly with investors.

Registered Company: SRI Consultants Ltd – 03904843