A changing adviser market

Posted on: January 2nd, 2013

A changing adviser market

A changing adviser market

With RDR only two days old here are a few early posts you may find interesting …

  • An FT Adviser article – reporting that larger IFA firms are opting for a restricted advice model;
  • Money Marketing commenting on an  increasing ‘Execution Only’ trend
  • PanaceaAdviser setting up a new innovative forum – ‘RDR Thunderdome’ – for advisers to read about post RDR changes.

And whilst the FSA homepage remains a scary place for most individuals with news of scams, fines and other such horrors, there is also the – fractionally less scary –  link below which touches on how things now work in the ‘advice world’;


What this all means for SRI remains to be seen…

My inclination is that as ‘restricted’ does not equate to ‘tied’ it may remain business as usual… ie broadly positive but with ‘ups and downs’ along the way.  As such, how green and ethical/SRI  issues feature in the advice process may prove to be impacted less by regulatory status than other factors.

I’d welcome readers views on the aspects that most influence advisers thinking in this area… and will be happy to circulate relevant comments on request.  I’d also welcome thoughts on what would most help advisers to be even more active in this are  in 2013 than in previous years as well as what the key challenges are.   Is portfolio planning the key bete noire now that RDR is a reality  – or are there other emerging SRI challenges ???

As ever, please email me on julia@sriServices.co.uk.

With best wishes for a happy, successful, sustainable and broadly responsible New Year to all 😉

