Climate of Change – Investment Life and Pensions Moneyfacts article

Posted on: February 15th, 2021

Climate of Change – Investment Life and Pensions Moneyfacts article

This month’s Investment Life and Pensions Moneyfacts magazine has kindly published an article I have writen for them regarding the FCA’s proposed Sustainable Investment Principles which were first aired at our conference last year.

You can download the article here:

ILP Moneyfacts February 2021 Climate of Change

As discussed in the article the principles remain ‘work in progress’ (they have not been finalised or agreed yet), but they are nonetheless important.

My hope and expectation is that they will go a long way towards addressing greenwash risk and helping clients to understand the funds they are investing in.

If adopted the FCA will have moved to strengthen the UK’s sustainable investment fund landscape whilst leaving the door open to the UK adopting EU Sustainable Finance regulations (eg SFDR, MiFID II) – when the government has decided how it wishes to proceed – as these principles are well aligned to work being carried out elsewhere.

You can watch the FCA’s Director of Strategy Richard Monks’ keynote speech from our event, where he introduces the proposed principles, on the video below – or read a transcript of it on the FCA website here.