Dialshifter statements from event delegates

Posted on: November 9th, 2023

Dialshifter statements from event delegates

Dialshifter statements – from 5th October SRI event ‘Dialshifter postcards’


We are delighted to share the Dialshifter statements supplied by some of our event delegates on 5 October… our plan is to build these into our Dialshifter programme when this goes live, but in the meantime thank you to those who shared the great work they are doing to help ‘shift the dial from brown to green’ – and happy reading!

If you would like to share some brief bullet points on how you as a financial services professional are helping to ‘shift the dial’ please get in touch with us to share your  what you are doing – please message us on Dialshifter@sriServices.co.uk !


Kate Hudson – Global Systematic Investors
• Educating myself on the issues
• Helping Educate advisors/other on Sustainable investing
• Trustee of Environ/Social Food Redistribution Charity

Mark Cliffe – University of Exeter
• Calling for a Paradigm shift in Climate Scenarios

Emily Pool – Happy Planet Financial Planning Ltd
• Niching into taking on only sustainable investors as clients
• Whilst I feel it is a big commercial risk, the risk of doing nothing to shift capital to the right places is a far greater one

Helene Winch – Premier Miton
• Championing renewable energy investment
• Helping to explain what sustainable investing means to advisers and their clients

Steve Sullivan – Capital Strategies Partners
• Going vegan 4 years ago

Shauna Bevan – RiverPeak Wealth
• By trying to educate myself about the issues as much as possible with a view to helping clients transition their assets to help make a difference in the most impactful way possible

Gabriel Micheli – Pictet
• Finding nature positive/regenerative companies and acting that way as much as possible

Jai Street – Mindful Wealth
• Proudly owning a company committed to positive impact and have the conversations that are hard to have

Jeremy Hallett – Horlock Holdcroft Financial Consultants
• Almost only advising on SRI now. Most people will include some at least
• Spreading the message with other staff, clients, friends & in town
• Greenpeace activist

Ali Akhtar – Accumulus Consulting
• Having the conversation with my clients each and every time. Fleshing out their interests & preferences, challenging them to think twice about where their money’s invested
• Building robust responsible investment portfolios

Mike Clark – Ario Advisory
• Helping investors use decision useful climate scenarios
• Helping investors re-assess modern portfolio theory which makes assumptions climate risk (& opportunity) do not support

Fund partner delegate
• In the role of ESG Director for our team I really have been given headroom to accelerate the ESG evolution of our team, our company and of the individual fund managers whose funds are held within the portfolios. I believe the latter to be the most powerful, as these external managers can then lead from within their own (usually much larger) asset management establishments.
• Launch and chairing internal network to raise awareness of our fiduciary responsibilities towards planetary boundaries; educate, collaborate/ share best practice with external organizations (FAIIR, Planet Tracker, Carbon Tracker, etc) to –
o Work across our investment management silos to upskill our corporate engagement with companies in which we, are minority shareholders/ to whom we lend capital (debt) on behalf of our clients, such that we can demonstrate tangible env. Positive outcomes via active stewardship over time and educate all parties
o Improve our own corporate and employee impact on nature, holding the mirror to ourselves collectively and individually.
o Use our internal comms team to inspire, collaborate, engage, inspire, educate (e.g., ‘lunch and learn’ on plastics) and challenge!