Ethical Investment / SRI’s top influencers…

Posted on: February 23rd, 2015

Ethical Investment / SRI’s top influencers…

Ethical Investment / SRI’s top influencers…

I am on a quest to identify those people who have most helped shape the world of ethical investment & SRI over the last three decades.

More specifically – I am looking for 30 people who have been major influencers in the areas of retail Ethical, Sustainable and/or Responsible Investment. 

The plan is to ask these people to write a few paragraphs on ‘WHY integrating SRI/ESG/EI into investment planning makes sense’ – and bring it together with useful  information, tips and tools – mainly for IFAs. 

I have a draft list  – but would welcome suggestions so that people I may not know are not overlooked!

The output from this project will compliment the sriServices / RSMR Adviser Guide to SRI –  published last year  –  which is effectively a step by step ‘How to advise on SRI/EI ‘.  

This new guide will be published in late spring – towards the end of the 30th anniversary. 

 It will be kindly distributed alongside an updated version of the sriServices/RSMR Guide by Panacea Adviser – the online support IFA hub (who’s mailing list includes most advisers.) 

Suggested names and contact details welcome – to please!