SRI Services and Partners annual Good Money Week event 2022

SRI Services and Partners annual Good Money Week event 2022

By Julia Dreblow

Published 25/09/2022

Date: 06 October
Time: 10-5.30
Format: In person
Location: Spitalfields Venue, Christ Church Spitalfields, Commercial St, London E1 6LY

Sign up via Eventbrite here.



(Please note timing may be subject to minor changes.)

09:30 – 10:00 Registration and coffee

10:10 – 10:20  Julia Dreblow to welcome guests

10:20 – 10:35  James Alexander UKSIF CEO, on Good Money Week and UKSIF activity

10:35 – 10:55  Julia –  SRI Services update and comments on recent developments, including SDR


10:55  – 11:25  KEYNOTE Sacha Sadan – Director of ESG, FCA


11:25 – 11:40 Break


11:40 – 12:20 Fund Manager Panel 1

  •   ‘Why it matters where sustainable funds invest’

This session will discuss why favouring companies with high sustainability standards makes sense for clients and the relationship between stock selection (and divestment) and stewardship.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Miranda Beacham – Aegon Asset Management
  • Therese Niklasson – BNY Mellon
  • Nick Scullion – Foresight Group
  • Mike Appleby – Liontrust Asset Management


12:20 – 13:00 – Fund Manager Panel 2 

  • ‘What makes impact oriented funds different?’

How are ‘impact fund’ different from sustainable, screened or themed funds? What impacts can they deliver? How do different asset classes and regions vary?

Confirmed speakers:

  • Dominic Byrne – abrdn
  • My-Linh Ngo – BlueBay Asset Management
  • Ben Constable-Maxwell – M&G Investments
  • Seb Beloe – WHEB Asset Management


13:00 – 14:20 – Lunch Break

  • ‘Meet the DFM/portfolio planner’ optional 30 minute breakout session –  ‘Building forward looking portfolios’

Confirmed speakers:

  • Patrick Thomas – Canaccord
  • John Alexander – Castlefield
  • Peter Thompson – King & Shaxson
  • Oliver Jones – PortfolioMetrix
  • Kate Elliot – Rathbones
  • Stewart Smith – RSMR


14:20 – 14:25  Julia to introduce afternoon agenda

14:25 – 15:05 – Fund Manager Panel 3  

  • ‘Effective stewardship vs greenwash’

Many sustainable funds now lean heavily on stewardship to promote their usefulness. What does ‘good’ stewardship activity look like & how does it vary between regions and asset types?

Confirmed speakers:

  • Amarachi Seery – Janus Henderson Investors
  • Ben McEwen – Sarasin & Partners
  • Alex Game – Unicorn Asset Management
  • EdenTree – tbc


15:05 – 15:45 – Fund Manager Panel 4 

  • ‘What do intermediaries need to know about Net Zero’?

What is (and is not) Net Zero?  What are the key recent developments, what is required now and what does leadership look like – and what should advisers be telling clients?

Confirmed speakers:

  • Joe Horrocks Taylor – CT REP (Columbia Threadneedle – previously BMO)
  • Samuel Mary – PIMCO
  • David Harrison – Rathbone Investment Management
  • Christopher McGoldrick – Stewart Investors


15:45 – 16:05 – Break


16:05 – 16:25  Afternoon KEYNOTE – Sofia Condes FAIRR – ‘The changing food system – why it matters to investors’.


16:25 – 17:05  – Fund Manager Panel 5  

  • ‘Fund managers share their favourite new ideas and discoveries’ .

Fund managers discuss their favourite big new idea – recent discoveries / innovations / development.  Great stories intermediaries should share with clients ’.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Suresh Mistry – Alquity Investment Management
  • James Corah – CCLA
  • Punam Sharma – Fidelity International
  • Brian Sparkes – Macquarie Asset Management
  • Yuko Takano – Pictet Asset Management
  • Mike Fox – Royal London Asset Management


17:05– 17:25 – Discussion:  ‘What next?’

Closing thoughts / discussion on what this all means for fund managers, intermediaries and the planet.

17:25 – 17:30  Close

17:30 – 20:30 Drinks reception with canapes

At long last… a chance to spend time mingling with one another – in a stunning setting!