Fast growing ‘Visits’ to sriServices & Fund EcoMarket in 2014

Posted on: December 17th, 2014

Fast growing ‘Visits’ to sriServices & Fund EcoMarket in 2014

 Fast Growing ‘Visits’ to sriServices & Fund EcoMarket in 2014

In doing some ‘end of year’ research on Google Analytics (ahead of school holidays and Christmas chaos) I unearthed some statistics about usage of the sriServices and Fund EcoMarket websites – which I thought I might share.

These represent excellent ‘reasons to be cheerful’ … and bode well the future success of ‘project grow retail SRI’!

The figures below show ‘Visits’ to the websites comparing ‘12 months to 16 December 2014’ against the ‘12 months to 16 December 2013’ (ie. the difference between this year and 2013).

  •    Number of ‘Sessions’ up 80% (to 5097)
  •    Number of sriServices ‘Users’ up 100% (to 3719)
  •   Number of ‘Page Views’ up 66% (to 13,654)


  • Number of ‘Sessions’ up 101%  (to 1230)
  • Number of Fund EcoMarket ‘Users’ up 160% (to 926)
  • Number of ‘Page Views’ up 45% (to 3947)

 I don’t profess to be an ‘Analytics’ expert, but being as subjective as I can be, this feels like sound progress to me … 

The tools and services we provide are currently almost entirely advisers focused and aimed at filling a gap (SRI support), so given this ‘remit’ the numbers pass a few basic, high level sense checks.   What’s more, there is no technical wizardry in these numbers.  We operate only through direct and indirect contact with users via partnerships,  online and (effective, or actual) ‘face to face’ contact.  

As such I am happy with the progress made during 2014 – and am very much looking forward to taking this to the next level in 2015!

My thanks go not only to my readers but also to those people and organisations who have recognised the usefulness of what we do – typically through working together or publishing my articles, links, blogs and/or comments. 

In particular I would like to thank – Rayner Spencer Mills Research, Panacea Advisers, ILP Moneyfacts,, Parmenion, UKSIF and Capita Financial.  (And of course to the IFA, who I suspect would prefer not to be named, who kindly nominated sriServices for the ‘Sustainable City Awards’ just a few short weeks ago.)

And on this happy note – I would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy, rewarding (and hopefully increasingly sustainable) New Year!
