Join our ‘Find Adviser’ listing

Posted on: July 29th, 2015

Join our ‘Find Adviser’ listing

Join our ‘Find Adviser’ list

We are in the process of updating the ‘Find Adviser’ area on Fund EcoMarket  ahead of doing some advertising – and of course UKSIF’s ever profile building  ‘Good Money Week’ (18-24 October).

If you are an IFA who ALWAYS offers clients the option to invest in ethical, sustainable and responsible options and would like to be added to the list please get in touch and I will gladly include you (for a small fee!)

Our ‘Find Adviser’ list has now been moved to the Fund EcoMarket homepage in order to give it greater prominence … in the form of its very own big blue button!

Go to: Fund EcoMarket 

The list was started a couple of years ago to help match ‘adviserless’  visitors to our ‘SRI StyleFinder’ Fact Find tool to financial advisers with expertise in this area.

As our updated Fund EcoMarket site is now open to all (ie no need to register!)  our expectation is that it will attract traffic from ‘interested individuals’ as well as ‘industry professionals’ – an additional benefit for the financial advisory community!

The SRI StyleFinder Client Fact Find microsite no longer has a link to the adviser list, which makes it ‘safer’ for advisers to use as a link on their own websites – or to send individual clients to who would like to work out which types of SRI best suit their personal aims in their own time.

NB We are not authorised or regulated and have no plans to change this 🙂
