Fund EcoMarket roundup and top 100 searches in 2020

Posted on: January 6th, 2021

Fund EcoMarket roundup and top 100 searches in 2020


Fund EcoMarket partners January 2021

Happy New Year…  

I very much hope you and yours are well and coping with the situation we find ourselves in once again.

COVID, aside (and that is the last time I will mention it) 2020 was another great year for SRI Services.

This blog is to give you a quick overview of how last year went… including a list of what Fund EcoMarket users searched for most often in 2020, plus some links.

But first it is important to reiterate that our aim remains to do everything we can to help change the way people invest – for the better.  For us that means making sure everyone (first and foremost IFAs) has access to high quality, detailed information on sustainable, responsible and ethical investment funds.

We are able to offer this for free thanks to our wonderful partners – so a big thank you to Rathbones, Pictet, Sarasin and Partners, Liontrust, Quilter Cheviot, Unicorn, Foresight,  JanusHenderson, M&G, Triodos, Aegon, WHEB, EdenTree, BMO and Aberdeen Standard – and a warm welcome to our newest partners BNY Mellon and Fidelity!

‘External’ activity in 2020

As you may be aware, we work with a range of third party service providers, regularly speak at events (media, industry associations, IFA firms and for our partners) and collaborate with (in various forms) some important industry bodies – notably being an UKSIF director, on TISA committees and speaking regularly with the FCA .  We also helped create the new PIMFA ESG Academy (that I was the ‘technical author’ of.  In brief – the course is 5 hours of free to members, online, ESG CPD’able training).


You may like to watch the ESG Mastrclass keynote talk I recorded for Professional Adviser’s ESG Conference in October.  The 30 minute session is called ‘The Giant Awakes’ and is a gallop through the massive shifts that are taking place in our sector right now and some practical tips. It is on our  YouTube channel here (‘rebranded’ with the PA name removed – see link below).

The most popular video on our YouTube channel last year was, by a country mile, the keynote address  given by Richard Monks, FCA Director of Strategy, at our Good Money Week event. Regulation remains a hot topic (and ‘work in progress’) – as you will be aware – but his content remains current.  Richard’s presentation is linked here.

Please click ‘Subscribe’ on the channel to be kept informed.

Some key Fund EcoMarket changes in 2020 were:

  • populating life and pension fund entries with the information from their corresponding (primary)  OEIC funds so you can search all product types.
  • splitting the ‘Sustainability’ ‘SRI Style’ Classification on Fund EcoMarket in two – to make fund differences more obvious. Our view remains that understanding what funds actually do remains the central tenet of being able to give sound advice in this area.
    • The two classifications are now ‘Sustainability Themed’ (for themed funds where sustainability issues and opportunities are the core focus/purpose of the fund) and ‘Sustainability Tilt’ (for funds that favour companies with higher sustainability standards – but may invest across all or most sectors).
  • Creating a new free to use App (search ‘Fund EcoMarket’ via your normal App provider to downlad it).

Website user information 2020

The number of users of our site increased rapidly again last year.   The numbers (courtesy of Google Analytics) are below:

  • 2020 Unique Users: 17,000  (2019 Total Unique Users – 11,363).  This marks an increase of 44.3% from 2019.
  • 2020 Sessions: 26,000 (2019 Total sessions – 18,000). This marks an increase of 45.8% from 2019.
  • Average user time 4 minutes 40 (broadly unchanged)

Who & when?

We do not have (or want) systems that track exactly who is using Fund EcoMarket, but Google Analytics  tells us that in 2020 Fund EcoMarket users were:

  • 76% in the UK
  • almost all using the site between 8am and 6pm
  • 87% accessed the site via desktop computers

… meaning that we are probably getting to our ‘intended audience’ – UK investment professionals (although happy to help other interested people also!)

And finally, below is the 2020 list of the most frequently searched options on Fund EcoMarket.  Again this is very diverse, showing the range of information that needs to be brought together to offer advice on this area.  Four ‘SRI Styles’ were in the top 15 searches – alongside more generic searches like ‘asset types’.  The top individual issue (as previously) was ‘Avoids Coal, Oil and Gas Majors’ (13), with ‘Avoids Armaments’ and ‘Avoids Tobacco’ (16 & 17) not far behind. The highest more positive strategy was ‘Invests in clean energy/renewables’ (at 28).

Top 100 searches carried out Fund EcoMarket during 2020:

1.      OEIC/Unit Trust
2.      Sustainability Themed
3.      Equity
4.      Global
5.      Mixed Asset
6.      Environmentally Themed
7.      UK
8.      Ethical – Balanced
9.      Environmental policy
10.   Fixed Interest
11.   Equity Income
12.   Ethical – Negative
13.   Coal, oil &/or gas majors excluded
14.   Sustainability policy
15.   Investment Trust
16.   Armaments manufacturers avoided
17.   Tobacco production avoided
18.   Unclassified
19.   Passive Equity
20.   Climate change / GHG policy
21.   ESG Plus
22.   Europe
23.   Asia Pacific
24.   USA
25.   Not Set
26.   ETF
27.   Emerging Markets
28.   Invests in clean energy/renewables
29.   Pension
30.   Fracking and tar sands excluded
31.   SICAV/Offshore*
32.   Property
33.   Social Themed
34.   Europe Ex-UK
35.   Animal testing exclusion policy
36.   Animal welfare policy
37.   Asia Pacific ex Japan
38.   Gambling avoidance policy
39.   Deforestation / palm oil policy
40.   Pornography avoidance policy
41.   DFM/Portfolio Planner*
42.   Human rights policy
43.   Child labour exclusion
44.   Europe >50% UK
45.   Ethical policies
46.   Infrastructure
47.   Favours cleaner, greener companies
48.   Sustainability themed
49.   Limits exposure to carbon intensive industries
50.   Responsible Ownership (FM company)
51.   Environmental damage and pollution policy
52.   Social policy
53.   Clean energy themed
54.   Not set
55.   Positive environmental impact theme
56.   Alcohol production excluded
57.   Plastics policy / reviewing plastics
58.   Indian sub-continent
59.   Governance policy
60.   Other
61.   Arctic drilling exclusion
62.   Ethically Balanced
63.   Health & wellbeing policies
64.   Strictly screened ethical fund
65.   Positive selection bias
66.   Avoids companies with fossil fuel reserves
67.   Nuclear exclusion policy
68.   Janus Henderson Global Sustainable Equity
69.   Oppressive regimes exclusion policy
70.   Negative selection bias
71.   Available via an ISA
72.   Avoids companies with poor governance
73.   Aims to generate positive impacts (or ‘outcomes’)
74.   Anti-bribery and corruption policy
75.   Rathbone Ethical Bond
76.   Sustainable transport policy or theme
77.   Faith Based
78.   Unsustainable / illegal deforestation exclusion policy
79.   Invests in environmental solutions companies
80.   Responsible supply chain policy or theme
81.   Balances company ‘pros and cons’/best in sector
82.   Positive social impact theme
83.   Liontrust Sustainable Future Global Growth Fund
84.   Hedge
85.   Excludes animal testing except for medical purposes
86.   Aims to generate positive impacts
87.   ESG integration strategy
88.   ESG/SRI engagement (company wide)
89.   Measures positive impacts
90.   Employ specialist ESG/SRI/sustainability researchers
91.   Water / sanitation policy
92.   Resource efficiency policy or theme
93.   FP WHEB Sustainability Fund
94.   Life
95.   Negative Ethical
96.   UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) focus
97.   In house responsible ownership/voting expertise
98.   Liontrust Sustainable Future UK Growth Fund
99.   Tobacco avoidance policy (AM company wide)
100.Use specialist ESG/SRI/sustainability research companies


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