Fund EcoMarket SRI Fund Database update

Posted on: March 6th, 2014

Fund EcoMarket SRI Fund Database update

Fund EcoMarket SRI Fund Database update

The Fund EcoMarket database tool has today been updated to reflect all available (regulated, onshore) retail SRI and Ethical Investment funds as at 1 March 2014.

There were relatively few amends to be made this quarter, with ‘EFA Eden SRI’ (Way Fund Managers) being the only ‘new’ addition.

This of course marked a truly welcome relief after the turmoil of recent years!

For readers who follow these updates regularly – I apologise for this update being delayed by a month … for a range of (mainly child related!) personal reasons.

This database is a comprehensive list of Life, Pension, Investment Trust and UT/OEIC fund options segmented according to their ethical/SRI credentials (SRI Styles).  The tool is intended for use by financial services professionals only (nb we are not authorised to offer advice).

The aim of this tool is to help advisers to identify potentially interesting fund options for their clients who are interested in green or ethical issues.   For advisers who are unsure about their clients ‘ethical’ aims (or who need to document their aims) there is a client fact find questionnaire available via the dropdown box in the first question.  This questionnaire will generate a list of the three styles of SRI that are most likely to meet a clients ethical aims.  It is also available via our ‘SRI StyleFinder’ client microsite.

For further details on how this tool works see the Fund EcoMarket Overview area of our site.


NB the new Threadneedle Social Bond fund has not yet made it onto my datafeed.