Fund EcoMarket ‘top 50 searches’ Q1 2019

Posted on: April 8th, 2019

Fund EcoMarket ‘top 50 searches’ Q1 2019

If your role involves understanding what financial advisers and others are looking for in the SRI, ESG or impact investment market the following list of ‘Top 50 Fund EcoMarket searches’ for Q1 2019 (January to March) will be of interest to you…

(These are of a total of 4849 ‘events’ according to Google Analytics.)

1.     OEIC/Unit Trust
2.     Equity
3.     Sustainability Themed
4.     Global
5.     Mixed Asset
6.     UK
7.     Environmentally Themed
8.     Fixed Interest
9.     Environmental policy
10.  Ethically Balanced
11.  Negative Ethical
12.  Passive Equity
13.  Unclassified
14.  Armaments manufacturers avoided
15.  Equity Income
16.  Investment Trust
17.  Coal, oil &/or gas majors excluded
18.  Property
19.  ESG Plus
20.  Climate change / GHG policy
21.  Animal testing exclusion policy
22.  Animal welfare policy
23.  Europe
24.  Pension
25.  Fracking and tar sands excluded
26.  USA
27.  Emerging Markets
28.  Pornography avoidance policy
29.  Asia Pacific
30.  Ethical policies
31.  Clean energy themed
32.  Invests in clean energy/renewables
33.  Social Themed
34.  Deforestation / palm oil policy
35.  Europe Ex-UK
36.  Gambling avoidance policy
37.  Infrastructure
38.  Negative selection bias
39.  SICAV/Offshore*
40.  Aims to generate positive impacts
41.  Child labour exclusion
42.  Nuclear exclusion policy
43.  Tobacco production avoided
44.  Not Set
45.  Responsible Ownership (under review)
46.  Sustainability policy
47.  Human rights
48.  Positive environmental impact theme
49.  DFM/Portfolio Planner*
50.  Sustainability themed