Fund EcoMarket Update

Posted on: December 6th, 2015

Fund EcoMarket Update

Fund EcoMarket Updates & Changes

For the first time since going live with Fund EcoMarket 2.0 we have now run a full (all funds) update of our SRI database tool.

The information below sets this quarter’s main changes – as well as pointing to other improvements that are currently underway.

Please do get in touch if you have any questions or additional information for us!

What has changed?

  • Deletions relating to the closure of the Allianz Global Eco Trends retail fund
  • Updates relating to ‘F&C/BMO’ name change and the’Stewardship/Responsible’ rebrand – across all product areas. (NB the old versions of the names still exist across all areas so expect further changes – and meanwhile search on both names!)
  • Switches from CIS name to Royal London
  • Name changes from ‘Schroder Climate Change’ to ‘CM Schroder QEP Global Core’
  • New Menhaden Capital Investment Trust (VCT) added

What else is new?

SICAV/Offshore Product area

We have created an additional product area which has allowed us to add a few SICAV entries to the database recently.  Such funds may now be added on a selective basis (ie on request and if we agree.)   We have no plans to include this entire universe at present as we understand that most UK IFAs do not regularly require this information – and doing so would be a major change of direction for FEM.

The purpose of this database tool is to showcase all regulated, retail, onshore funds – but where we stand now is that we may make exceptions if we agree there are useful areas of differentiation or other reasons to include such options.

Responsible ownership, engagement and ESG integration

We are soon to rerun our ‘Responsible Engagement’ survey which was last carried out in 2013/4.

We intend to redefine this area somewhat and include some additional listings for ‘ESG integration’.  The way in which this is presented will depend to some extent on the feedback we receive – but essentially we will create a ‘Corporate’ product area and highlighted asset types covered by such strategies.  We will also be gathering text and adding related functionality into our ‘Policy’ and ‘Features’ filters to reflect the way these strategies work.

This will add useful definition for users who are who are looking to form an impression of the kind of company they are considering – as well as the investment specific positive benefits these strategies can bring.


We are also considering creating a DFM product area to make this tool even more useful as the go to  ‘SRI hub for all things IFA friendly’.

If you are involved in the DFM area and would like to suggest entries please contact us.  Additions of this kind will again be at our discretion (and largely subject to us being able to gather enough information to be confident that a product will be understood by its users as well as ourselves!)

Feedback, comments, additional fund information and sponsorship offers are of course welcome as always!


Please contact or send additional fund information to