Fund EcoMarket use doubles in 2019

Posted on: January 3rd, 2020

Fund EcoMarket use doubles in 2019

Fund EcoMarket use doubles in 2019 

2019 was a great year for Fund EcoMarket, the SRI Services’ fund tool!

Not only were we joined by many new sponsoring partners (see image) who make it possible for us to keep our intermediary support site free to use (and ever expanding), but user numbers also grew rapidly throughout the year.

In brief, usage round about doubled across all the measurements I believe to be relevant.

  • 2019 Total unique users – 11,363 – (up from 5700 in 2018)
  • 2019 Total sessions – 18,000  – (up from 9300 in 2018)
  • 2019 Total Page views 60,897 – (up from 33,767 in 2018)

Although I can’t prove it, my feeling is that the following stats point to our hitting our ‘target users’ pretty well – namely UK retail financial services professionals.  The following numbers, which I have just had the pleasure of sifting through make the point better than I can:

  • Time of day: almost all usage is between 8 am – 5 pm
  • Location: 77% UK
  • Average time: 4.44 mins
  • Medium: 87% via ‘desk tops’ (as opposed to phones/tablets)
  • How were we found: 90% or users can from organic & direct searches

Source: Google Analytics

Some thoughts on this growth:

This growth point to continued and rapidly growing interest in sustainable, responsible and ethical investment, particularly as 2018 saw significant growth also.

If you know us you will appreciate that there has been no fancy footwork involved in achieving these numbers.  No SEO campaigns, no paid advertising or similar – just lots of talking with advisers and other intermediaries directly, via the industry media and at the many events we are kindly invited to be involved in.

It may be that this is doing things ‘the hard way’ but each contact is hugely valuable in my view, causing me to either reinforce or question my own views – and on many occasions come up with (or kill off!) new ideas.

I would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this phenomenal journey with me & wish you a happy, healthy and as sustainable as possible 2020!


ps next up Q1/20: Dialshifter, App and more events!