Fund Manager responses to ‘Can you avoid investing in plastic?’

Posted on: May 22nd, 2018

Fund Manager responses to ‘Can you avoid investing in plastic?’

iStock_000014071214XSmallThe issue of plastics is never far from our screens at the moment and the public outcry following Blue Planet 2 last year was pretty much unprecedented…

Addressing this challenge will take time and needs the support of fund managers and other investors if we are to encourage companies to change what they do within the necessary timescales.

I was therefore delighted to be asked to write on a blog on this topic by our friends at Good With Money.

You can read my comments and the views of some of the investors who are active in responding to this challenge here. The piece stats with a quote that is seen far too rarely in the investment world:

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”




Can you avoid investing in plastic?