Improved SRI tool access on

Posted on: November 21st, 2014

Improved SRI tool access on

Improved SRI tool access & navigation on


Following a mini lightbulb moment I am delighted to announce that the navigation on our home page ‘’ has been refreshed and is now live! 

The three buttons in the middle of the screen now link to the following:

 1. StyleFinder – the client microsite. 

This page offers an introduction to SRI, links that explain each of the SRI Styles, a ‘Find Adviser button and our all important ‘Client SRI Fact Find’.  This makes finding the url easier – so all you have to do is go into this area and cut and paste the url and send to your client. This enables them to complete the fact find in their own time. And don’t forget to tell your client to print out their findings (a list of their preferred ‘SRI Styles’) so you can use it when you go into the Fund EcoMarket ‘FundFinder’ tool – and use it as part of your due diligence/audit trail. 

2. Fund EcoMarket – the adviser fund database. 

This is an IFA only area so you have to confirm you are an IFA in order to proceed.  In order to generate a list of ‘potentially appropriate’ funds all you have to do is log in, say which SRI Styles your client is interested in and ‘tick’ the relevant asset types and product areas.  Start to finish… around two minutes tops!  This will generate a list of ‘ethically relevant’, asset and product specific SRI options.  Again – printing or saving to pdf is a good idea for the completeness of your client records!

3. Adviser Support – further SRI reading for financial services professionals. 

This button links to the area where there is a range of adviser facing literature, support materials and information…

To check it out go to!

Feedback welcome as ever 🙂