Its that time again!

Posted on: October 5th, 2012

Its that time again!

It’s that time again!

October as ever brings a flurry of SRI activity…

Not to be left out sriServices has launched the client SRI Stylefinder microsite – an innovative client site that advisers can suggest their clients peruse in their own time. This gives them as much time as they need to work out which SRI styles suit their personal views and work out which SRI Styles are of interest. This site was developed following requests by advisers ….and early feedback so far indicates that it is being well received … but as ever we welcome your feedback!

The purpose of this ‘Stylefinder’ microsite is to leave the adviser free to focus on fund selection rather then necessarily discussing ethical views in detail  – and as if by magic this is of course the primary purpose of our ‘adviser only’ Fund EcoMarket tool.  This database tool splits all regulated UK retail SRI funds into seven styles (plus one ‘impact investment’!) and generates a full report for your audit trail.

And for those advisers who would also like help selecting funds within these Styles the Rayner Spencer Mills / sri Services ‘Adviser Guide to SRI’ is there to help – complete with suggested fund lists.

Other useful information that has recently become available includes the National Ethical Investment Week ‘Adviser Guide’ – which includes suggestions on how to get involved in the Week – which starts 14 October.

For those interested in the bigger picture of how SRI is developing around the world there is also the biannual Eurosif study, launched yesterday, which sets out  how SRI is panning out across Europe.  The study this year shows the continued spread of integration of SRI principles across major investors as well as an increase in interest in avoidance of more controversial areas of the armaments industry… an interesting balancing act and an indication that both investor sentiment and action continue to move towards greater emphasis on this field. 

And with NEIW 2012 just around the corner there will  no doubt be much more – so watch this space (or market!)

As ever – any comments or queries to   🙂