National Ethical Investment Week 2011 – events list hotting up

Posted on: September 28th, 2011

National Ethical Investment Week 2011 – events list hotting up

National Ethical Investment Week 2011 – events list hotting up

Having been on the inaugural NEIW Advisory Board it is wonderful to see that NEIW 2011  is gathering pace with the events list  starting to fill out nicely!

This annual event, now in its fourth year, aims to focus attention on this increasingly topical investment field by informing a wide range of investors about how it all works…

Events appear to be aimed at three main audiences this year;

  • Financial advisers and/or investment professionals
  • Church groups, trusts & charities
  • Individual investors

There is a range of event organisers this year – most are being run by financial institutions, but there are also some events run by IFAs, research providers and stockbrokers.

If you are interested in learning more about sustainable and responsible, green or ethical investment why not take a look at the site to find out more!?!


Information about the IFA Launch events for Fund EcoMaket to follow!!!
