National Ethical Investment Week 2013

Posted on: September 24th, 2013

National Ethical Investment Week 2013

 Coming Soon – National Ethical Investment Week 2013


And it seems like only yesterday when we were fretting about how the first NEIW would be received…

Now in its 6th year and – happily – being replicated in other countries around Europe, National Ethical Investment Week 2013 is nearly upon us again!

This event, which kicks off in just three weeks time, is aimed squarely at raising the profile of SRI and ethical investment.

Over the previous five years it has proved an excellent conduit for SRI information, activity and awareness raising and this year looks set to be a success too!

Information is starting to appear on the site.  This includes some great looking events, plus a range of adviser friendly resources,  all available via .  (And if you’d like to add events or material I am sure the NEIW & UKSIF teams would love to hear from you!)

For a taste of all things NEIW financial advisers may like to start by visiting the following areas :