National Ethical Investment Week rebranded Good Money Week

Posted on: April 23rd, 2014

National Ethical Investment Week rebranded Good Money Week

National Ethical Investment Week rebranded Good Money Week

The following announcement has recently been made by UKSIF to its members with regard to the retail SRI initiative formerly known as ‘National Ethical Investment Week’ (that I helped set up way back in 2008…).

sriServices would like to welcome this news as a useful contribution towards helping to attract additional investors into SRI, green and ethical investment options and related ‘forward looking’ and positive financial options.


UKSIF are delighted to announce today the rebranding of National Ethical Investment Week (NEIW) to Good Money Week.

Good Money Week 2014 will take place from 19-25 October 2014.

After much member and other stakeholder consultation, we have decided to mark the seventh year of NEIW with a rebranded, revamped campaign.

Our aim is to ensure the campaign is made accessible to many more current or potential individual investors and savers and we look forward to working with you all to make Good Money Week 2014 a massive success.

Good Money Week is a national public campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of sustainable and responsible investment and finance.

 “We look forward to celebrating and demonstrating the depth and breadth of green and responsible finance in the UK” – Lisa Stonestreet, Good Money Week Project Manager.


  • For further information contact: Lisa Stonestreet, UKSIF Programme Director: or 0207 749 9950