New Fund EcoMarket brochure available for download

Posted on: April 13th, 2021

New Fund EcoMarket brochure available for download

I am delighted to be able to share our new (A4) downloadable & printable Fund EcoMarket brochure…

Download Fund EcoMarket May 2021 brochure via this link.  

The brochure includes the following:

  • An introduction to the Fund EcoMarket fund database tool
  • A snapshot of the number of funds in each of our ‘SRI Styles’
  • A ‘filter field roadmap’ showing the layout of our unique ‘deep dive’ sustainable investment filter fields.
  • A six step suggested ‘advice process’
  • A watch list (to understand the likely major influencers of this market over the coming months)
  • ‘The Big 3’ smartie chart showing how funds in this area (mapped by SRI Styles) relate to core client motivations in sustainable investment (see image)
  • 7 client examples indicating how likely funds in each SRI Style are to meet some common client requirements
  • Some common terms explained … in ways that will help financial advisers  explain sustainable investment (and related) optoins to clients