Performance of ‘Ethical/Sustainable’ funds vs ‘Non Ethical’ July 2021

Posted on: August 23rd, 2021

Performance of ‘Ethical/Sustainable’ funds vs ‘Non Ethical’ July 2021

The following table has been kindly supplied by Moneyfacts and is published in this month’s Investment Life and Pensions Moneyfacts magazine.

It shows the performance of (what Moneyfacts refer to as) ‘Ethical’ vs ‘Non Ethical’ funds.

In summary, it shows a consistent, and in many places remarkable, picture of outperformance for ethical equity funds over time periods from 1 to 15 years, but a more challenging market for ethical bond funds.


1 year 3 years 5 years 10 years 15 years
All ethical funds


19.87% 34.65% 73.51% 142.5% 253.97%
All non-ethical funds


17.89% 21.54% 51.79% 109.59% 170.27%
IA sector performances


Ethical £ Corporate Bond funds


3.08% 12.36% 19.99% 71.72% 96.62%
Non-ethical £ Corporate Bond funds


2.89% 16.05% 26.42% 82.79% 118.3%
Ethical Mixed Investment 40-85% funds


16.51% 32.57% 70.23% 139.19% 266.38%
Non-ethical Mixed Investment 40-85% funds


17.67% 20.49% 45.88% 92.72% 144.59%
Ethical Global funds


26.88% 68.75% 130.35% 221.84% 262.9%
Non-ethical Global funds


25.48% 39.05% 84.62% 185.1% 260.81%
Ethical UK All Companies funds


25.03% 20.83% 65.85% 117.98% 223.83%
Non-ethical UK All Companies funds


28.03% 12.64% 50.55% 96.52% 140.64%
Moneyfacts/Lipper Investment Management. % Growth as at 1 July 2021, total return, UK net, no initial charges.