PFS event announced: ‘Bringing SRI into the financial advice process’

Posted on: January 22nd, 2016

PFS event announced:  ‘Bringing SRI into the financial advice process’

PFS / IIL event – ‘Bringing SRI into the financial advice process’


I am delighted to announce that the first of our quarterly events with the PFS / IIL is now available for members to sign up to.

This is a Personal Finance Society / Insurance Institute of London lunch time  event (members only).

It will take place at 1.15 on 11 March, in London.

The event overview is as follows:

Description:   A PFS/IIL lecture for financial advisers and other retail financial services professionals – delivered by sustainable, responsible and ethical investment (SRI) specialist Julia Dreblow

Introduction:  This event, the first in a new series of quarterly lectures, will introduce  how to bring SRI into the financial advice process and why it is beneficial to do so.  This session is suitable for those who may have little previous experience in this area.

Summary:  This lecture will consider:
• how to identify your clients’ values based and SRI aims and find relevant fund options for them
• the Fund EcoMarket ‘SRI Styles’ segmentation model
• how and why it makes sense to bring this area into the advice process

Learning Objectives:
By the end of this lecture members will have gained an insight into the diversity of retail sustainable, responsible and ethical investment options and how to meet the aims of interested investors.


This  link will take members to the sign up area. (Please scroll down).