‘Screened, Themed and Engaged 2017’ – panel videos

Posted on: October 26th, 2017

‘Screened, Themed and Engaged 2017’ – panel videos

Last week we held our annual Good Money Week event at the Museum of London.

The event was a great success, well attended and well received.

Formal proceedings included presentations from Simon Howard (UKSIF), Guy Turner (Trove Research) and myself (Julia Dreblow) as well as five round table sessions with fund managers (listed below) and a panel session (all previous speakers plus additional guests – see below).

The quality of the video recording is not great – but the conversation was none the less lively and interesting.  You can view the recording below also.

Fund Managers round table sessions:

  • Liontrust – ‘Exploiting sustainability themes for the benefit of investors’ .
    • Speaker: Mike Appleby, Investment Manager Sustainable Futures funds
  • Rathbones  – ‘Addressing climate change, inequality and affordable housing through funds and discretionary fund management.’ 
    • Speakers: Bryn Jones, Head of Fixed Income and Manager of the Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund, Perry Rudd, Head of Ethical Research, Rathbone Greenbank Investments
  • Sarasin & Partners – ‘Responsible ownership – how successful engagement benefits both investors and companies’. 
    • Speaker:  Paul Fairbrother, ESG Product Specialist
  • Triodos Investment Management – ‘Investing for a happier, healthier future’ . 
    • Speaker: Adam Robbins, Senior Investor Relations Manager
  • Unicorn Asset Management – ‘Finding ethically acceptable higher income UK small and mid cap stocks’ .  
    • Speakers:  Simon Moon, Frasier Mackersie, joint Fund Managers UK Ethical Income Fund

Additional panel guests: 

  • Claudia Quiroz – Climate Assets fund manager at Quilter Cheviot
  • Stuart Ryan – investment research manager at RSMR
  • Peter Webster  – Vigeo EIRiS / EIRiS Foundation

Panel chair:

  • Julia Dreblow – sriServices

Our sincere thanks go to all the speakers, fund managers and guests who helped make the event such a success!


‘Screened Themed and Engaged 2017’ panel videos, discussing ‘Opportunities and Threats in SRI today’