SRI Services & Partners event – 9 October 2019, London

Posted on: August 30th, 2019

SRI Services & Partners event – 9 October 2019, London

If you are a financial services intermediary who would like to know more about retail ESG, SRI, sustainable and ethical funds this is for you…

If you are a UK financial services intermediary who would like to learn about ESG, SRI, Sustainable, Responsible and Ethical investment this free to attend, absolutely unique event is for you!

This year’s annual ‘Screened, Themed & Engaged’  event  (our biggest and best ever!) will be held on 9 October, during  ‘Good Money Week 2019′ at the Barbican, in London.

Download AGENDA here

Please note this event is for financial advisers and other retail financial services professionals only. (Other attendees will only be admitted if agreed in advance).


Download AGENDA here

(ps We are applying for 5 hours CPD, as last year)

See last year’s (2019)  ‘highlights video’ below: