Top 50 Fund EcoMarket sustainable investment searches 2021

Posted on: January 17th, 2022

Top 50 Fund EcoMarket sustainable investment searches 2021


Below is a list of the top 50 filter options selected by Fund EcoMarket users during the course of 2021.

    • This shows that, as in previous years, a wide range of filters are used by Fund EcoMarket users, most probably as that is what is required in order to offer advice on sustainable investment options.
    • The top items were (once again) a combination of generic ‘financial planning’  (eg OEIC – 1st , SICAV – 16th, –  Equity, Mixed Asset and Global also being in the top 5)
    • SRI Styles our sustainable investment labelling / classification system proved hugely popular once again. The more ‘Themed’ SRI Styles notably; Sustainability Themed (2nd) , Environmentally Themed (6th) and Ethical (9th) ranked highest.   The more nuanced strategies ‘Sustainability Tilt’  and ‘ESG Plus’ were lower down the list –  ranked 28th & 30th respectively.
    • The most highly ranked individual issues were once again climate related – notably ‘Avoids coal, oil and gas majors’ & ‘Climate Change / Greenhouse Gas emissions policy
    • Traditional ‘ethical’ concerns remain commonly searched for  (indicating to me that these remain ‘hygiene factors’ in this area) – most notably ‘Avoid armaments manufacturers’ and ‘Tobacco production avoided’

Site Use

  • In addition, Google Analytics also tells us that use of the site increased again during 2021.  Use of the site was as follows:
    • 19,000 users during 2021 (18% higher than in 2020)
    • 30,000 sessions (up 15%)
    • Unique users 1 Jan 2019 – 31 Dec 2022 (3 years) 47,000

Top 50 Fund EcoMarket searches during 2021

1.      OEIC/Unit Trust
2.      Sustainability Themed
3.      Equity
4.      Mixed Asset
5.      Global
6.      Environmentally Themed
7.      UK
8.      Sustainability policy
9.      Ethical
10.  Environmental policy
11.  Investment Trust
12.  Fixed Interest
13.  Passive Equity
14.  Coal, oil &/or gas majors excluded
15.  Climate change / greenhouse gas emissions policy
16.  SICAV/Offshore*
17.  Equity Income
18.  Armaments manufacturers avoided
19.  ETF
20.  Unclassified
21.  Not Set
22.  Europe
23.  Tobacco production avoided
24.  USA
25.  Asia Pacific
26.  Emerging Markets
27.  Animal testing exclusion policy
28.  Sustainability Tilt
29.  Ethical policies
30.  ESG Plus
31.  DFM/Portfolio Planner*
32.  Fracking and tar sands excluded
33.  Invests in clean energy/renewables
34.  Animal welfare policy
35.  Europe >50% UK
36.  Asia Pacific ex Japan
37.  Europe Ex-UK
38.  Pension
39.  Arctic drilling exclusion
40.  Child labour exclusion
41.  Gambling avoidance policy
42.  Infrastructure
43.  Avoids companies with fossil fuel reserves
44.  Deforestation / palm oil policy
45.  Social Themed
46.  Property
47.  Social policy
48.  Favours cleaner, greener companies
49.  Pornography avoidance policy
50.  Human rights policy