What did people search for on Fund EcoMarket in January?

Posted on: February 15th, 2019

What did people search for on Fund EcoMarket in January?

Thanks to some fancy footwork from our IT support team we are now able to report on the top filter searches people have used on Fund EcoMarket.

Of just over 1000 searches conducted during January 2019 the following were the ‘top 30’ most clicked on options:

1. OEIC/Unit Trust
2. Equity
3. Sustainability Themed
4. UK
5. Mixed Asset
6. Environmental policy
7. Global
8. Armaments manufacturers avoided
9. Fixed Interest
10. Negative Ethical
11. Investment Trust
12. Coal, oil &/or gas majors excluded
13. Equity Income
14. Environmentally Themed
15. Ethically Balanced
16. Climate change / GHG policy
17. Passive Equity
18. Fracking and tar sands excluded
19. Infrastructure
20. Property
21. Tobacco production avoided
22. Europe
23. DFM/Portfolio Planner*
24. Pornography avoidance policy
25. Unclassified
26. Deforestation / palm oil policy
27. Ethical policies
28. Europe Ex-UK
29. Nuclear exclusion policy
30. SICAV/Offshore*


My impression of this list, the first of its kind, is that it is a great mix.  As well as highlighting the need for practical product information (eg OEIC, Equity, UK, Mixed Asset) there is an interesting and diverse combination of issues also being searched for.

This includes the more ‘traditional ethical’ issues, particularly ‘armaments and tobacco’ as well as high profile environmental filter options that fall within the ‘sustainability’ and ‘climate change’ arena (eg Sustainability Themed, Environmental Policy, Coal, Oil &/or Gas majors excluded).  Although these are rightly regarded as ‘green’ issues their crossover with social factors should not be forgotten as the way such these issues will affect people often drives interest in such things.

Julia Dreblow