Fund EcoMarket partnership

Partnership & Affiliate information

Our purpose is to grow retail sustainable and responsible investment (SRI) by bringing together information that enables UK retail financial services intermediaries to match fund strategies to client preferences.

We publish our fund research for free,  which we are able to do thanks to the support of the fund mangers who partner with us.

Partnership arrangements are at our discretion, arranged by exchange of email.

Fund EcoMarket Partnership arrangements:

In return for supporting us financially Fund EcoMarket partners enjoy the following benefits:

  • partner logos are shown on the Fund EcoMarket website home page
  • partner logos are shown alongside their fund entry(ies) in the Fund EcoMarket database
  • partner fund entries are listed ahead of non partner funds (in random order) both on our website and App
  • partner logos may be displayed – in a block showing all partner logos – at our events and in our promotional material (eg PPT presentations)
  • partners may use our logo(s) in relevant marketing
  • partners are invited to speak at our events where possible (event involvement is agreed separately)

Please note – we request exactly the same fund information from fund managers whether they are partners or not.

We welcome both partners and non partners helping to raise awareness of our free to use fund tool.

Fund EcoMarket Service Provider ‘Affiliate’

We also offer an affiliate arrangement, also at our discretion, for relevant service providers.

  • affiliate logo to be displayed alongside product/service entry on Fund EcoMarket
  • affiliate product or service to be listed after ‘fund partner’ fund entries within the database –  ahead of standard entries.
  • affiliates can use our logo

What next?
Please contact  if you would like to enquire about becoming a partner or affiliate.

Please contact Su on if you wish to add or amend information on our website.

Download forms – by arrangement only

*Please be aware we list all the relevant funds we can find – and display information from all fund managers, irrespective of whether or not they are a sponsor.  Information is supplied directly by fund managers and not verified or altered by ourselves.  We are not authorised to offer advice. Our core focus is UK listed OEICs, other product types are added at our discretion.